Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lady Gaga Agrees - If You're Not Ready, Don't Do It

An author colleague, healer and friend, Kebba Buckley Button, recently sent me an article from the Arizona Republic stating that Lady Gaga isn’t having sex. She’s single and has decided celibacy is okay for right now. Her busy schedule doesn’t allow her the time to get to know anyone well enough. Good for her! She may not be using the phrase, but she’s practicing sane sex, where emotional intimacy happens before physical intimacy takes place. Lady Gaga points out, and I agree, we don’t have to have sex to feel good about ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Lady Gaga, and Joanne Deck, are so right! If it's worth having, it's worth having with the right timing. And Joanne's book is not only a book for singles, it's a book on great relationships. Anyone who wants some support for the sanity and wonderfulness of waiting for the right partner and the right intimacy should have a look at Worth Waiting For. I waited a long time for my soulmate, and he is now my amazing/fabulous husband. Do what Joanne says!


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