Monday, May 10, 2010

Having Sex is Still a Big Deal

Despite what we’ve been led to believe, not much has really changed: having sex is still a big deal. Most people over forty know this; our parents instilled this belief in us, even if our actions didn’t always reflect this belief. Unfortunately most people under the age of thirty don’t have this perspective. They don’t know that having sex is not a recreational activity or a way to socialize, but rather an incredibly powerful act with tremendous potential to heal, nurture, and connect.

Having sex is the most physically intimate behavior two people can engage in, short of giving birth. I do think that having an entire person growing inside of you is more intimate, but that’s the only experience I’d put ahead of sexual intercourse in terms of physical intimacy. And pregnancy is only available to half the population; even then, it’s an infrequent occurrence.

So, at the end of a date, when your companion asks, “Do you want to go back to my house and fool around?” (code for “have sex,” in case you didn’t know), politely respond, “No thanks.” Then turn and run! Let’s not take sex lightly or treat it casually.

Do you fool around with your money? Surely money can give great pleasure, for ourselves and for other people when we share it. Money enables us to see the world, educate ourselves, cure diseases, and make more money. Even in casinos, smart people do not fool around with their money; if not used wisely, money can cause us considerable anguish.

How about electricity? Do you fool around with it? Here again, when handled properly, life is greatly enhanced by electric power. Stop and appreciate how many things in your immediate environment use electricity. Our world comes to a stop without it. Yet we recognize the power and potential danger of electricity, as well. We’ve educated ourselves on the appropriate use of electricity, and so it enhances our enjoyment of life.

We value both money and electricity, treating them with respect, and they in turn make our lives more fun and fulfilling. So it can and should be with sex. Sex can be fun and playful, but it also has the potential to be so much more. So please, don’t fool around with sex!

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